Saturday, July 29, 2006


A long day of packing

We finally got everything packed. Both Denise and I are very organized, with long lists of things to pack. But, it took a lot longer than we thought to get everything together and get it all into the RV. The good news is that the RV has sooo much storage space. We didn't have trouble fitting things in, and could have brought more. The only really tight space is in the fridge and freezer. Those are small, and we'll have to adjust to having limited space there.

We get up early tomorrow and head to upstate NY. Everyone is pretty tired tonight, so we are finally just relaxing a bit before we turn in for the night.

Have a great trip!

P.S. to Denise -- we were on NPR on Friday! You can listen here (5 minutes, 40 seconds):
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